Nailsea parish, pop. 1313, P. Guillebaud, rector.
Endowments for education of youth - None
There are 20 of the most meritorious children of the poor of this parish and that of Bourton, put out to education
at the charge of the vestry.
The poorer classes regret their incapacity of providing for the education of their children, and would be
thankful for any assistance afforded them.
From British Parliamentary Papers 1835, sixth volume; Abstract of Education Returns 1833, p816
Nailsea Parish (Pop. 2114) - Ten Daily Schools, containing 136 males and 143 females; of these children 45 are
paid for by subscription and 20 from the poor's-rate; the remainder are taught at the expense of their
parents. - Two Sunday Schools: in one whereof are 100 males and 100 females, who attend the Established
Church; the other consists of 56 males and 65 females, and appertains to Dissenters: these Schools (the
former of which has a lending Library attached) are supported by contributions. Four of the above Schools,
containing about 200 children, have commenced since 1818.